Yoga is a family of ancient Hindu spiritual practices that originated in India, where it remains a vibrant living tradition and is seen as a means to enlightenment. Ayurveda and Yoga are science sisters. While Ayurveda is mainly concerned with the health of the body and the mind, Yoga deals with mental health issues. Yoga exercises help with their preventive and curative effect to bring the neurohormones and the metabolism of the body in a natural order and balance and improve endocrine metabolism. This yoga practice covers the stress and stress-related disorders in a natural way.
Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years in South Asia and dates back to the Vedic period in India at least 5,000 years ago, which was a significant period of cultural and spiritual development. It is a beneficial complement to Ayurvedic medicine and healing as both come from the same philosophical background and examine the mind-body relationship from the perspective of the maintenance of good health. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘yui’ which means ‘to merge’ or ‘to unite’, and Yoga is based on the concept that the body and breath are intimately connected with the mind. By controlling breathing and holding the body in steady postures, stagnant energy centres open up, contributing to better physical health, mental peace and wellbeing.